My ‘Romanticism of Reality’ collection reflects the beauty of the magical, paused moments of the everyday. The pandemic ‘Stay at Home’ restrictions have resulted in consumers interacting with their homes in an entirely new way. In a time of turbulent uncertainty, a heightened dependence has developed on seeing the home as a haven. I feel this has led to an empathetic relationship between consumer and designer, as we are implored to consider the positive effect our work can have on the home environment.  

Working to an interior context, my collection is designed to have a dreamlike whimsical feel using methods of biophilia and animalia to bring the outside in. The joy of being able to venture outside is a beautiful, incredible thing, which we have undoubtedly taken for granted. 

Despite our reality being bleak and uncertain for over a year; I believe we could invest time to indulge and re-root ourselves in the present – giving us a chance to reflect and grow for the future. In Spring/Summer hues of blushed florals and wild pops of colour, themes of rebirth and rejuvenation reflect hope and excitement for times ahead of us.