My collection is inspired by virtual travel. Due to Covid restrictions most of us have been unable to travel in the physical sense, however many of us have the ability to travel virtually. I embarked on a five-day virtual world trip searching for inspiration for my Major Project. The places I visited were chosen randomly, I cut up a world map, numbered the pieces and threw dice to generate a number. It was quite exciting wondering where each throw of the dice would take me! I visited Uelen Russia), Buenos Aires, Seychelles, Tokyo and Portugal. My final choice wasUelen. Only 800 people inhabit this village,the easternmost inhabited settlement in Russia,theylive in the harshest of conditions relyingon one another to survive. The more I learned aboutthe village and the people the more I fell in love with them. The Chukchi-Eskimo are an ancient arctic people with traditions dating back hundreds of years. I was inspired by their whole way of life, especially their art and handmade objects, each of which signify something of their culture, I have enjoyed creating modern contemporary designs from the lifelong traditionsand cultureof the Uelen people.