Fine Art: Studio Site & Context is a 21st Century undergraduate art course where our students experience working with a range of materials, media, and philosophical approaches. Our course reflects the diversity and dialogues within the broader visual art world so the students come to realise that they are part of a global community of art practitioners. It is not a given that all students will wish to become full time artists when they finish the course but with the knowledge they acquire, they are equipped to explore a wide range of art-based career paths. We, as staff, are internationally practising, recognised artists, which draws the professional world closer to the student’s educational experience.

Covid19 has brought about its challenges and we as a course have continued working safely within our studios, finally preparing the studios for a fully physical curated exhibition. Additional to their degree show our students will soon be collectively experiencing summer workshops hosted by Axisweb and we will be presenting for the second year running two places on the Artists Benevolent Fund’s Step Change Fellowship Programme.

To coincide with this year’s degree exhibition, the Fine Art programme also launched, it’s dedicated website showcasing the ongoing work of students and staff.

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