We are very proud to present the very first BA Design Crafts graduate cohort from Swansea College of Art in the third year of this exciting new degree.  

Our focus is on exploring a curious instinct into making, materiality, craftsmanship and design flare.  Our students have certainly stepped up to the plate under the added challenges of rolling lockdowns and despite such restrictions have shown themselves to be both inventive and resilient.  

Themes around ‘touch and connectivity’, positive expressions of ‘joy’, celebrating nature and the ability to ‘smile’ feature as a direct reaction to the life we have all experienced in the last year.  The students have channelled this time and celebrated the conceptual and practical expression that is core to the Design Crafts programme. 

Specialising in a range of glass, ceramics and jewellery this year’s cohort have produced a range of beautiful, colourful and thoughtful products and sculptural responses. Despite the challenges they faced they have remained professional and positive having responded to this very unusual circumstance with energy and focus producing exciting and innovative work. We wish them the best of luck in their future careers and we invite you to celebrate with us and come and take a closer look. 

Team Design Crafts